Dr. Ankuja Mhaske

Hair damage encompasses a range of issues affecting the health and integrity of the hair shaft, resulting in dryness, breakage, split ends, and overall lackluster appearance. Common causes of hair damage include excessive heat styling, chemical treatments, overwashing, environmental stressors, and improper hair care practices.

One of the primary culprits of hair damage is heat styling, including the use of blow dryers, flat irons, curling wands, and other heated styling tools. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can strip the hair of its natural moisture, weaken the protein structure, and cause the cuticle layer to become rough and porous, leading to increased susceptibility to breakage and split ends. To minimize heat damage, it is essential to use heat protectant products and limit the frequency and intensity of heat styling.

Chemical treatments such as hair coloring, bleaching, perming, and straightening can also cause significant damage to the hair shaft by disrupting the natural structure and altering the protein bonds. Harsh chemicals found in these treatments can strip the hair of its protective lipid layer, weaken the cuticle, and compromise its elasticity and strength. To minimize damage, it is crucial to choose gentle, ammonia-free hair dyes, seek professional guidance when undergoing chemical treatments, and follow proper aftercare procedures to nourish and repair the hair.

Overwashing and excessive use of harsh shampoos can strip the scalp and hair of their natural oils, leading to dryness, irritation, and increased vulnerability to damage. It is recommended to wash the hair no more than two to three times per week with a sulfate-free, hydrating shampoo and to use a conditioner to replenish moisture and restore the hair’s softness and shine.

Environmental stressors such as UV radiation, pollution, and harsh weather conditions can also contribute to hair damage by weakening the hair shaft, depleting moisture, and causing oxidative stress. To protect the hair from environmental damage, it is advisable to wear hats or scarves outdoors, use UV-protective hair products, and incorporate antioxidants into the hair care routine to neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative damage.

In addition to avoiding damage-causing practices, it is essential to adopt a proactive approach to repairing and restoring damaged hair. Deep conditioning treatments, protein masks, and leave-in conditioners can help strengthen the hair shaft, smooth the cuticle, and improve elasticity. Regular trims every six to eight weeks can also help remove split ends and prevent further damage from traveling up the hair shaft.

Overall, maintaining healthy hair involves a combination of protective measures, gentle care practices, and targeted treatments to prevent damage and promote optimal hair health. By adopting a holistic approach to hair care and making informed choices about styling techniques and products, individuals can achieve resilient, vibrant hair that looks and feels its best.

Hair Treatment Services

About Dr. Ankuja Mhaske

Dr. Ankuja Mhaske is graduated from D.Y Patil College, Pimpri and completed her post-graduation (MS) from Sangli. She started programming FUE and Direct FUE (DIRECT HAIR TRANSPLANTATION) after completing her post-graduation diploma in Medical Cosmetology and post-graduation diploma in Clinical Dermatology in 2016.